Terms and conditions
These Terms and Condition are a translated version of the original written in French. It may be approximate, only the French version is authentic. You can find it here.
LOGOLOGY, a simplified joint stock company with a capital of 5,000 euros, registered with the Lille RCS under number 879 396 521, whose registered office is located at 11 place Simon Vollant 59800 Lille, represented by Dagobert Renouf, its manager, and whose email address is support@logology.co, hereinafter referred to as "Logology".
Logology is a company specialized in the creation and marketing of logos. It designs, creates and develops strong visual identities that allow its clients to stand out. Logology attaches particular importance to protecting and defending its intellectual property and know-how. The Client has approached Logology in order to acquire a Logo, visible on Logology's website www.logology.co, at the price mentioned on this site. Two types of logos are presented on this website:
- Logo with license to use: start
- Logo with license to use: grow
- Logo with license to use: establish
The present conditions govern the relationship between Logology and the Client. They constitute the entirety of the Parties' obligations. They can only be modified by mutual agreement between the Client and Logology in writing. The acquisition of a Logo through Logology's website www.logology.co, implies the full and entire acceptance by the Client of the present Terms and Conditions of Sale. These will prevail over any other general or particular conditions of the Client. Logology reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions of Sale at any time. It is, however, agreed that the Conditions applicable to the Client will be those in force at the date of his order on the Site.
Article 1. Object of the contract
The purpose of this contract is to determine the conditions under which the Client acquires the Logo, presented on Logology's website www.logology.co.
Article 2. Obligations
2.1. Logology's obligations
Logology's service consists of designing and marketing an original Logo, via the Logology website www.logology.co, in a professional manner, taking into account the state of the art and according to the customs of the profession.
2.2. Client's obligations
The Client is responsible for compliance with the legislation specific to his activity. The Client undertakes to use the Logo ordered and paid for in full, under normal conditions and in accordance with Article 5 of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale. The Client is prohibited from reproducing, exploiting or modifying any Logo proposed by Logology, and which has not been accepted and paid for by the Client.
Article 3. Responsibility
Logology is subject to an obligation of means. Logology's compensation for the prejudice suffered by the Client as a result of this contract cannot exceed the price of the Logo. Logology can be exonerated from all or part of its responsibility by providing proof that the non-performance or poor performance of the contract is attributable either to the Client, or to the unforeseeable and insurmountable fact of a third party to the contract, or to a case of force majeure. Logology cannot be held responsible in case of a computer bug occurring during the order process, linked to the Client's internet connection.
Article 4. Logology's Warranties
Logology guarantees the Client the peaceful enjoyment of the rights granted to it against any disturbances, claims or evictions whatsoever. It guarantees the Client against any legal action relating to the Logo sold, within the limit of the contract price, subject to having been informed by registered mail within four working days following receipt of a formal notice or a document initiating proceedings by the Client. Logology is then the sole master of the manner of conducting the action. The Client must provide the following information necessary to conduct its defence or reach a settlement agreement. In the case of naming services consisting for Logology in proposing a product or entity name to the Client, or in the case of a Logo that must be adapted to a name initially chosen by the Client alone, the Client is personally responsible for the exhaustive legal research of the availability of the said name with a view to its peaceful exploitation and the registration of a trademark; in his professional capacity, Logology can put him in contact with a lawyer specialized in intellectual property. All logos supplied by Logology benefit from the legal guarantee provided for in articles 1641 and following of the French Civil Code. In addition, the Client also benefits from the guarantee of conformity of the products, provided by articles L. 211-4 and following of the French Consumer Code. All claims under this article must be made by mail or by e-mail to support@logology.co
Article 5. Intellectual Property
5.1. Rights acquired or held prior to the conclusion of the Contract
Logology remains the owner of all elements protected by intellectual property rights acquired and/or held prior to the conclusion of the present contract and the payment of the price of the Logo, as well as the related rights. The Client is therefore not authorized to exploit, represent or reproduce them, in whole or in part, without Logology's prior written authorization, given at the latter's sole discretion. The contract does not transfer any title of ownership, nor does it confer any assignment or concession of intellectual property rights existing prior to the conclusion of this contract and the payment of the Logo price. Thus, the Client agrees not to reproduce, exploit or modify any Logo that Logology proposes to him, and that has not been accepted and paid for in full by him.
5.2. License of the intellectual property rights pertaining to the Logo ordered, for the product entitled "Logo with license to use: start".
- Logology owns the copyright of the original ordered Logo. It is invested with all the copyrights on it, in accordance with the Intellectual Property Code. Furthermore, concerning any components of the Logo that Logology may have brought and of which it is not the author, Logology declares that it has obtained all the rights necessary for their exploitation, reproduction and use by the Client under the conditions below.
- When the Logo is completed, validated by the Client, and the price has been paid in full, Logology will grant certain economic rights to the Client as listed below, for the duration of the copyright, starting from the payment of the full price, under a non-exclusive license of economic rights. This right includes :
- the right of reproduction: this right includes the right to reproduce and use, in particular for commercial, promotional and advertising purposes, directly or indirectly by any technical process, on any written or paper media (catalogues, prospectuses, mailings, etc.). ), plastic, audiovisual, digital, magnetic, optical, electronic or multimedia media and on any private or open, national or international telecommunications network (and in particular the Internet, Intranets and Extranets), the original Logo (in whole or in part), the object of the present license, in unlimited number; this right also includes the right for the Client to entrust the execution of this exploitation to any natural person or legal entity of its choice. The right of reproduction includes, in particular, the right to digitize, put online, download.
- the right of representation: this right includes the right to represent, make accessible, broadcast or communicate to the public in any way, directly or indirectly and by any telecommunication process and analog or digital images, by hertzian means, by cable or satellite, direct or not, by all "on line" services and assimilated, all or part of the original Logo for any use that could be made by the Client, either for his benefit or for the account of a third party.
It does not include the right to market, distribute, make available, extract, modify, correct, adapt, transfer, license or register a trademark. Logology may use for its own benefit, or for the benefit of third parties, the Logo whose rights are thus granted. Given the universal nature of the Internet, the economic rights thus granted are granted for the entire world. Because of the type of work for which the economic rights are granted and their destination, the author's remuneration under the license will be fixed and included in the overall price. The source files will not be delivered to the Client by Logology, after payment of the full price mentioned on Logology's website www.logology.co.
5.3. License of the intellectual property rights pertaining to the Logo ordered, for the product entitled "Logo with license to use: grow".
- Logology owns the copyright of the original ordered Logo. It is invested with all the copyrights on it, in accordance with the Intellectual Property Code. Furthermore, concerning any components of the Logo that Logology may have brought and of which it is not the author, Logology declares that it has obtained all the rights necessary for their exploitation, reproduction and use by the Client under the conditions below.
- When the Logo is completed, validated by the Client, and the price has been paid in full, Logology will grant certain economic rights to the Client as listed below, for the duration of the copyright, starting from the payment of the full price, under a non-exclusive license of economic rights. This right includes :
- the right of reproduction: this right includes the right to reproduce and use, in particular for commercial, promotional and advertising purposes, directly or indirectly by any technical process, on any written or paper media (catalogues, prospectuses, mailings, etc.). ), plastic, audiovisual, digital, magnetic, optical, electronic or multimedia media and on any private or open, national or international telecommunications network (and in particular the Internet, Intranets and Extranets), the original Logo (in whole or in part), the object of the present license, in unlimited number; this right also includes the right for the Client to entrust the execution of this exploitation to any natural person or legal entity of its choice. The right of reproduction includes, in particular, the right to digitize, put online, download.
- the right of representation: this right includes the right to represent, make accessible, broadcast or communicate to the public in any way, directly or indirectly and by any telecommunication process and analog or digital images, by hertzian means, by cable or satellite, direct or not, by all "on line" services and assimilated, all or part of the original Logo for any use that could be made by the Client, either for his benefit or for the account of a third party.
- the right of modification: this right includes the right to modify, correct or adapt the Logo in any way deemed appropriate by the customer.
It does not include the right to market, distribute, make available, extract, transfer, license or register a trademark. Logology may use for its own benefit, or for the benefit of third parties, the Logo whose rights are thus granted. Given the universal nature of the Internet, the economic rights thus granted are granted for the entire world. Because of the type of work for which the economic rights are granted and their destination, the author's remuneration under the license will be fixed and included in the overall price.
5.4. Assignment of intellectual property rights related to the Logo ordered, for the product entitled "Logo and assignment of rights: establish".
- Logology owns the copyright of the original ordered Logo. It is invested with all the copyrights on it, in accordance with the Intellectual Property Code. Furthermore, concerning the possible components of the Logo that Logology would have brought and of which it would not be the author, Logology declares that it has obtained all the rights necessary for their exploitation, reproduction and transfer to the Customer under the conditions below.
- When the Logo is completed, validated by the Customer, and the price has been paid in full, Logology will transfer the economic copyright, hereafter listed, to the Customer for the duration of the copyright.
- The assignment in full and exclusively without exception or reservation to the Customer concerns in particular the rights of exploitation, reproduction, representation, use, reuse, trademark registration, as well as all associated legal and de facto guarantees, with a view to direct and/or indirect exploitation by the Customer, for any purpose whatsoever.
The transfer covers all economic rights, namely :
- the right of reproduction: this right includes the right to reproduce and use in particular for commercial, promotional and advertising purposes, directly or indirectly by any technical process, on any written or paper media (catalogs, prospectuses, mailings, etc.). ), plastic, audiovisual, digital, magnetic, optical, electronic or multimedia media and on any private or open, national or international telecommunications network (and in particular the Internet, Intranets and Extranets), the original Logo (in whole or in part), the object of the present assignment, in unlimited number; this right also includes the right for the Customer to entrust the execution of this exploitation to any natural person or legal entity of its choice. The right of reproduction includes, in particular, the right to digitize, put online, download.
- the right of representation: this right includes the right to represent, make accessible, broadcast or communicate to the public in any way whatsoever, directly or indirectly and by any telecommunication process and analog or digital images, by hertzian, cable or satellite means, direct or not, by any "on line" services and assimilated, all or part of the original Logo for any use that may be made by the Customer, either for his benefit or for the account of a third party;
It does not include the right to market, distribute, make available, extract, transfer or license. Logology may not use, for its own benefit or for the benefit of a third party, the Logo whose rights are thus assigned, except for professional or commercial reference. Given the universal nature of the Internet, the economic rights thus assigned are for the entire world. Because of the type of work for which the economic rights are assigned and its destination, the author's remuneration for the assignment will be fixed and included in the overall price.
The source files are given to the Customer by Logology, after payment of the full price mentioned on Logology's website www.logology.co.
5.5. Mention of Logology's name
The name of Logology will be mentioned on the creations proposed by her. The Client agrees to make its best efforts to mention the name "Logology" on all its communication media and in particular on its website.
Article 6. Price and payment terms
The Client will pay Logology the price mentioned on Logology's website: www.logology.co. This sum covers the definitive acquisition by the Client of the intellectual property rights to Logology's creations, under the conditions set forth in article #5. The sale price is due upon order. Payment will be made by credit card or bank transfer. The Client's credit card number is only directed to the bank's servers, in a secure environment. The prices indicated by Logology at the time of the order are denominated in Euros including all taxes, according to the VAT at the rate in effect on the day of the order. Any change in the rate will be immediately reflected in the price of the logos offered. Logology reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, it being understood, however, that only the prices presented on Logology's website on the day of the order will be applicable to the Client. The prices indicated include the cost of processing the order.
Article 7. Order Process
The Client wishing to place an order on Logology's Website must :
- create an account by filling in the information requested on Logology's website www.logology.co (i.e. surname, first name, postal address, e-mail address, phone number)
- consult the logos and add the desired Logo to your cart
- checkout
- proceed to checkout
- choose and validate your method of payment
It is up to the Client to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, for which he is solely responsible. Logology will immediately communicate to the Client by e-mail the confirmation of the order recorded. The deadline for delivery will be specified in the order confirmation e-mail. All the data provided and the recorded confirmation are valid proof of the transaction. Logology will archive orders and order confirmations on a reliable and durable medium constituting a true copy, in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code. Logology's computerized records will be considered by the Parties as proof of communications, orders, payments and transactions between the Parties. Logology has subscribed to a distance selling contract with its bank. The banking transaction is secure and, in no way does Logology keep banking information about the Client. Logology reserves the right to refuse an order that is abnormal in nature, particularly with regard to the quantities ordered. Logology informs the Client that his personal data is registered and that it has made the preliminary steps with the CNIL concerning the processing of this data, in accordance with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 and the GDPR.
Article 8. Subcontracting
The Client authorizes Logology to use subcontractors.
Article 9. Insurance
Each of the Parties declares that it holds an insurance policy taken out with a company suited to its services, covering its professional civil liability and guaranteeing the pecuniary consequences of this liability arising from bodily injury, material or immaterial damage, whether or not consequential to material or bodily injury, for an amount of cover sufficient with regard to the commitments undertaken within the framework of this contract. If a Party so requests, the other Party shall provide it with a copy of the supporting documents showing that its insurance policy is up to date.
Article 10. References and communication
In accordance with the practices of the profession, the Client grants Logology the right to communicate about the collaboration between the Parties and the name of the Client, by any means (newsletter, website, blog, social networks, conferences, press...) within the framework of Logology's commercial and/or technical promotion (through the realization of case studies).
Article 11. Termination
In the event of serious breach by the Client of the obligations of this contract that is not remedied within 10 (ten) days from the date of the registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt notifying the said breach, this contract will be automatically terminated at the Client's expense, without prejudice to any damages that Logology may claim. The Client will therefore no longer be able to use the Logo. The fact that one of the Parties does not take advantage of a failure by the other Party to comply with any of the obligations set forth herein shall not be interpreted in the future as a waiver of the obligation in question.
Article 12. Applicable law and competent jurisdiction
This Agreement is subject to French law. The Parties agree to make every effort to settle amicably all disputes arising from the conclusion, interpretation, performance or termination of this Agreement.
In the absence of an amicable agreement, any dispute between the Parties relating to the conclusion, interpretation, execution or transfer of the Contract for any reason whatsoever, as well as any consequences that may result from it, will be submitted to the courts of the jurisdiction of Lille Metropole, notwithstanding any appeal in warranty or plurality of defendants, including in the case of emergency or protective proceedings, in summary proceedings or by petition.